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It's a
Game Changer

'An innovative, evidence-based approach to address trauma and aid recovery'.
Game Therapy UK is a new and innovative charity set up to promote Therapeutic Gaming in the UK for the public benefit.
Game Therapy UK's vision is to ensure an access to all those who would benefit from Therapeutic Gaming.
Our core values are trustworthiness, inclusivity, and compassion.
Game Therapy UK's activities include supporting the provision of high quality, evidence-based Therapeutic Gaming projects to the UK population across the areas of physical health, mental health and social disadvantage.
We will also promote research into, and education of, all aspects of Therapeutic Gaming.
Game Therapy UK is a registered charity. The constitution documents, policy documents and financial summary are available on request.
There is a considerable body of evidence, going as far back as the 1950's, supporting the benefit of high quality Game Therapy as an adjunct to psychological therapy, occupational therapy, education and recovery work. This work has mainly been done in the USA. However there is almost no provision of formal Game Therapy in the UK. After a conversation between clinicians, educators, recovery workers and role playing game professionals a new charity was set up to address this need in the UK for the public benefit.
Game Therapy UK work closely with experts across various fields (for example, psychologists, occupational therapists, educationalist, drug and alcohol recovery workers), to reach a wide range of clients.
Contact: Game Therapy UK
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