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CGL game
It's a
Game Changer

Rupert Greyling- Artist, author, maker, and designer.
Rupert has worked in many disciplines and industries, each giving a slightly different perspective on the creative and communication process. Working with young people since 2007, at first presenting comic creation workshops, then later using art to engage with some of the most vulnerable children in the UK, Rupert decided to create the 'Goblin's Chest'.
His experience working dynamically with young people, is boosted by a frenetic imagination, and his passion for positive outcomes for kids struggling with situations out of their control.
“I have enjoyed my own experience of playing Dungeons & Dragons, a world-famous role game, with Rupert. Role games, when developed in a safe and creative space, can have enormous benefits for both children and adults, such as giving the opportunity for individuals to shape and express their emotions, wishes, dreams and to develop important interpersonal skills”. Claudio Parreti – Psychologist

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